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The Sideboard – Garchomp SV

Garchomp SV is, in my opinion, one of the most criminally underrated cards in Pokemon’s storied history. It sports a rather annoying Poke-Body, backed up by an equally annoying Guard Claw attack, making KOs on the land shark a real nuisance to achieve. Speed Impact rounds out its attacks, threatening large damage in a format…

New RS-PK Decks & Tournament Results

Hey everyone! While the North American International Championships were being held in Columbus Ohio, there was a retro tournament happening across the sea in Japan that might have flown under everybody’s radar. I don’t want to write too much since many of the participants as well as the Tournament Organizer have already written articles on…

A Look Back at the 2014-2015 Season

The 2014-2015 season was a turbulent one – each set released new archetypes that saw a lot of success. Sometimes these new decks were immediately powerful, and other times they took a while to be fully optimized. As a result, the meta was constantly shifting around from tournament to tournament. From extremely aggressive decks to…

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